Saturday, July 18, 2009

Possible causes to brain tumors

Hello everyone,
I am hoping that all that come across this blog who have experienced DIPG/brain tumors will take the time and fill in this Q&A Survey about possible causes into brain tumors and mail it back to me. I do not need any names so there is no HIPPA violations involved. After finding out that when I donated Aimee's brain, I was told it will not be tested for anything other then new drug trials to see the response. Personally to me sine every single tumor is as different as the child then the reaction will also be different. We need to know what the triggers are before we can even come close to finding a cure. Just like with an infection, if the doctors don't know what type it is they can't give you the antibiotic that will cure it. Please feel free to add any other thoughts you may have as to what can be a cause. I know filling this out is going to be very hard, but please always remember you DID NOT cause your child's illness.


Nuclear power plants(miles)
Other Chemical Plants(miles)
Drug plants (where there made)
Cell Phone Towers(miles)
Power lines or Power Boxes(miles)
Water Treatment Plants(miles)
Mold (Black)
Pesticides (what kind)
Household cleaning supplies (commonly used)
Led Paint
Burning garbage
Gases or Oil Heating
Other heating (Wood, Kerosene, Coal)

Location at birth (city, state, zip code)
Location at DX (city, state, zip code)
Years at each

Ear Infections
Pre-Mature Birth
Low birth weight
Labor and delivery
Stress During Pregnancy
Pre-natal vitamins
Other Medications while pregnant
Birth Control pills
Childhood Vaccines
Head Lice
Chronic Illnesses
Accidents (falls, head, other)

Twins (gender)________Male__________Female
Family history of Cancer
Blood Type

Cell phones
Refreeze plastic water bottles
Bottled water
Tap Water
Ipods (little ear phones)
MP3 players (little ear phones)
CD players (little ear phones)
Hand held Video games (w/ear phones-hours )
TV Video games (how many hours)
Computer (how many hours on)
Pets (mostly exotic)
Outside home Actives
The location at birth and DX will help me with my clustering project.
Since some doctors are stating that children are born with a DIPG/brain tumors that can help with the tracking. As to what the possible triggers can be.
Most of these are a simple yes or no, some do however require a much more detailed answer.
If you can also please parents share occupation both at birth and DX. I have read somewhere that parents working with pesticides or other chemicals prior to conception can have ill effects on a child such as cancer.
Thank you to everyone for participating in this quest to find an answer. Also, note that due to HIPPA laws no names are required but can help if I should have question. I will not share the information on this form with anyone. The outcome will be done as a graph with statistics only showing numbers. It is my hopes that I can get meetings with the CDC, FDA, SEER, and Congress to explain the outcome in the hopes to get answers and more funding to go towards finding answers. Aimee has stated to me over and over again, that we can test drug after drug on these tumors but until we can have a conclusive answer to the cause the cure WILL NOT BE FOUND. It is the patient that will suffer more from the ill effects of all the chemo drugs more so then that of the tumors themselves.

Please, mail completed forms to.
Aimee’s Army
P.O. Box 37
Scranton, PA 18504

If you should have any question please e-mail me at

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