Monday, February 16, 2009

All talk and no action

It has been a very long time since I have posted. So much has happened in the last 7 months. Aimee lost her battle to DIPG on 12/12/08. I have been working really hard at bringing awareness and much needed funding to help Aimee's dream become a reality. To stop all childhood cancer. Aimee was invited to Harrisburg to tell her story about her battle with DIPG. Maybe, for once our Government will finally listen when the words were coming from a child. Instead of me re-posting everything here please go to to read all about Aimee's journey.

I am very blessed to have several good people join me in this fight. Unfortunately, it is a fight none of us were happy to partake in. What bothers me more then anything though is how you have several others that say they want to stop this but they don't get up off their behinds to do something. They just sit back and complain about how we need a cure how we need more funding. I have suggested to many of them a letter that I had sent to my states Governor, all they had to do was change the names, maybe reword it a little send it off to their Governor. I know many had but their were many more that didn't or won't but then they complain because nothing is being done. I'm sorry none of us wants this to continue. We need answers and we need them now.

One group that I will forever strongly support is I Could Be Your Child. This group and a few others do go far and beyond the call of duty in getting the word out. They are joining me in September for the Aimee Dickey walk for childhood cancer. Aimee came up with an idea for a National shirt since someone suggested it would be nice if we all wore the same thing on the same day September 13Th National Childhood Cancer Day. Now Aimee's thought process was this is not about her but about all the children. I am listing several foundations on the back of the shirts and offer the shirts to the other groups but they still feel the need to use there own shirts with there foundation on them only. How will we ever get 100% recognition unless we all work together as a team on unit. This I am sad to say I may never understand. If my 12 year could see that this isn't about her and her foundation then why can't some of the others. It will forever amaze me how a child can understand and see the whole picture more so then an adult. I will try my best now to keep this as up to date a possible. Maybe, here I can actually post what is really on my mind instead of beating around the bush not to offend others in my other blogs.


DIPG said...

Your right on the button. This thing is bigger than any one organization. Please put us down for four shirts to which we will proudly wear not just on the 13th but at many times throughout the year! Jim

djh said...

I hear you, and I support you. One thing, though, be careful about calling our people for "not getting off their butts". Nor everyone approaches issues in the same way. That is the kind of comment that will alienate so many people. Please don't take this the wrong way; I've been there, just like you, but it's just not my style to approach this in the same manner. Just as you wanted people to be gentle and understanding with you when you lost your beautiful child, you, too, need to be cognizant that people handle things differently and, in the case of parents who have lost children, not everyone grieves the same way! These are people that you need to absolutely not steamroll. And, yes, I will say it, I feel your pain dearly, but as I read some of your posts, I would like to give you some constructive feedback: sometimes your approach seems militant and angry. YES! You are angry! And you have the right to be; but find a way to channel your anger so that you become more productive on your valiant efforts.